I've had a scratchy throat for about 3 days now. The headaches come and go. Eyes are a little more red than usual. I guess it's allergy season. Ugh.

I'm not crazy about taking medication of any kind, so I'm trying to find a more homeopathic route to ease the symptoms. One suggestion was peppermint tea. I can do that. Another idea was wasabi. Sounds kind of crazy, but I'm willing to give it a try. Here's a list of home remedies to help with your allergies. If you have any other ideas, let me know!



Here are some of the suggestions we received via phone and email this morning:

"I can’t call in as I am at work and the only one available to answer phones, however I use Essential Oils for my allergy relief: Lavender and Peppermint work wonderfully, taken internally, inhaled, etc. Just be sure if you ingest them, you only purchase good quality oils-I use Young Living. But, during allergy season, the best thing that has worked for me is: 3 drops each lavender, lemon and peppermint in a capsule 2 times daily. You can do 3 times daily if needed. Other people I know use the oil just in their water too.


Hope you start feeling better Cindy!
Love listening to you and Pete in the morning!"

A caller suggested using a neti pot or squeeze bottle sinus rinse. Pete swears by it. But he just likes to swear. And make things come out his nose. But I might try it anyway.

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